Past Events from May 11, 2023 – December 25, 2022 – Buckeye Community Hope Foundation


Writing in the Content Areas (ASYNCHRONOUS) – Repeat Session

Virtual via Zoom

ALL WRITE! ALL WRITE! ALL WRITE! Writing IS thinking. The more teachers can use writing in their non-ELA classrooms, the deeper the thought process will be in the classroom. The is an ASYNCHRONOUS session where you can work at your own pace! There is a unit planning guide which you will turn in at the […]

Artificial Intelligence – 3 Part Series

Virtual via Zoom

Is Artificial Intelligence an asset or a threat? Join middle school teacher Dan Jones as he discusses how to make Artificial Intelligence a teaching and learning tool. This three-part series meets on Thursdays at 3:30 P.M. on January 23, January 30, and February 6. Join us for some specific strategies and examples to help you […]

Ethics for the Teaching Profession

Virtual via Zoom

May teachers accept holiday gifts from parents? Can they drive students home? Let's examine these and other questions about educators and Ohio's licensure professional code of conduct. This interactive session will examine the licensure standards and discuss scenarios that challenge us as ethical dilemmas as we teach. Educators will better understand the profession of teaching […]

Teacher Empowerment Academy

Virtual via Zoom

Our teacher cohort is a place to learn and share ideas and strategies for helping you not only manage your classroom, but make it a safe and energized space for both the students and you. Topics include de-escalation and classroom management; student engagement; deeper learning; and making instruction meaningful.

How to Teach Kids to Think – Part 1 and 2

Virtual via Zoom

Can the thinking skills of our students keep pace with artificial intelligence? Critical thinking skills are more important than ever as we look into the future for our students. A technology-based and technology-dependent world requires its people to be able to analyze, evaluate and create information. How may teachers best prepare students for this world […]

Coaching Your Teachers Through the Evaluation Cycle

Virtual via Zoom

Do your teachers dread evaluation? Do they see it as just some checklist you both have to endure? Would you rather teachers see the value of feedback and use their evaluations as a growth model? This session will cover the steps of the Coaching Cycle as it relates to Teacher Evaluations. Some of the steps […]

Bridging the Literacy Gap – How Writing Connects to the Science of Reading

Virtual via Zoom

But what about writing? Speaking and Listening? In this session, we will explore how writing and the other literacy skills play a crucial role within the framework of the Science of Reading, enhancing literacy development for all learners. Participants will learn how writing not only reinforces phonemic awareness and decoding skills but also fosters vocabulary […]

Quick Wins, Big Gains: Targeted Reading and Writing Interventions That Work

Virtual via Zoom

Get ready to see big results with simple, high-impact interventions you can use immediately! In this session, you will learn targeted strategies that improve comprehension and writing skills that are essential across content areas. Discover actionable tools to address common literacy skill gaps, engage diverse learners, and make measurable gains--without overhauling your existing routines. Not […]

Building Less Anxious, More Resilient Students

Virtual via Zoom

In an age where anxiety levels are rising, how can schools become places of calm and resilience? This session is for educators and school leaders committed to fostering mental wellness in students. Participants will explore how a supportive school culture, growth mindset, and "stress as enhancing" perspective can reduce anxiety. Learn evidence-based strategies for promoting […]

Coaching Teachers Through Assessment Season

Virtual via Zoom

How much do your teachers understand the assessments their students take? This session will cover strategies and tips to share while coaching your new and inexperienced teachers in effectively using assessment data to improve instruction. We will share best practices that school leaders can use to coach your teachers while they prepare their students for […]

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