Board Training Information
Governing board members of BCHF schools are required to complete a minimum of 2 hours of training, including Ohio Sunshine Law Training. Our board training is available for our sponsored schools at no cost.
Our Annual Board Member Training is November 4, 2023.
Should you have any questions on the training or below resources, please email Kim Blevins at:
For Board Member Development Opportunities/Sunshine Law Training (August-December 2023) please click here: LIST

Accountability: A Partnership for Improving Charter Schools Academic Performance
Training Time Credit: 45 min for each part (90 min total)
This webinar featured distinguished presenters: Eileen Sigmund, president and CEO of the ACSA, and DeAnna Rowe, executive director of the Arizona State Board for Charter Schools. The presenters discussed how their partnership has strengthened charter schools’ statutory purpose of improving student achievement and providing parents a choice in Arizona. Source: National Charter School Resource Center
BCHF Fiscal Foundations
Training Time Credit: 30 min for each part (90 min total)
BCHF created videos for charter school boards to provide a foundation for understanding key fiscal documents. Topics: 1) Monthly Financial Reports, 2) Ohio Community School Foundation Settlement Report and 3) BCHF End of Year Report – Finance. Source: Buckeye Community Hope Foundation
Information Sharing and FERPA/HIPAA for Schools and Postsecondary Institutions
Training Time Credit: 45 min
"This webinar provided an overview of FERPA and the implications that this and other federal statutes may have for information sharing in the emergency planning process. It also provided a brief overview of the more limited circumstances when HIPAA may apply and have an impact on information sharing in school and higher education settings." Source: US Department of Education – REMS TAC.
New Board Member Orientation Playlist
Training Time Credit: 2.5 hours total
New board members must complete the listed modules within 30 days of appointment. These modules are in addition to a requirement to meet in-person with your Sponsor representative to review board contracts and other essential board materials. Modules in playlist: Ohio Opening Meetings ACT and Public Records 101; Board Governance 101; and Fiscal Foundations: BCHF Monthly Financial Statements.
Ohio Open Meetings Act and Public Records 101
Training Time Credit: 30 min total (single test covers both videos)
The content of these videos was developed by the Ohio Office of the Attorney General. They provide an overview of the Ohio Open Meetings Act and define public records from the perspective of Ohio law.
Robert Rules of Order 101
Training Time Credit: 90 min
The webinar discusses the basics of Roberts Rules of Order.
School Quality: Pointed Advice & Guidance for Charter School Boards
Training Time Credit: 45 min for each part (90 min total)
The webinar discusses the board's role and relationship with the school leader, data collection and analysis, and approaches to improvement such as evaluation and replacement of a school leader, school turnaround and restart. Source: National Charter School Resource Center
Third Grade Reading Guarantee
Training Time Credit: 75 min
Ohio's Annual Statewide Education Conference Third Grade Reading Guarantee Presentation
Source: YouTube – Ohio Department of Education, 2013
The Value Added Student Growth Measure
Training Time Credit: 90 min
The webinar provides an overview of the Value Added Student Growth Measure. Source: Ohio Department of Education presentation to State Board of Education on January 17, 2014.