Buckeye Community Hope Foundation Housing Division Staff
Steven J. Boone
Email: sboone@buckeyehope.org
Philip Lechner Jr.
CPA, Chief Financial Officer
Email: plechner@buckeyehope.org
Ian J. Maute
Director of Development
Email: imaute@buckeyehope.org
Tim Swiney
Vice President of Development
Email: tswiney@buckeyehope.org
Steve Sceranka
Director, Real Estate Development SE
Email: ssceranka@buckeyehope.org
Brenda D. Jacques
Director of Corporate Compliance
Email: bjacques@buckeyehope.org
Dylan Collner
Senior Development Analyst
Email: dcollner@buckeyehope.org
Zachary Crafton
Financial Analyst
Email: zcrafton@buckeyehope.org